Wednesday, September 23, 2009

While my feet my not need the support from shoes, my wife needs the support of her husband.

It was an interesting reversal of rolls this morning and an easy one to observe. We woke up at the crack of dawn for our first morning of running. Now earlier it was my wife that was insistent that we started running and I was the one who was, quite literally, dragging his feet. This morning when the alarm went off, I was the insistent one and my wife wanted to stay in our warm cozy bed. I did not face nearly the difficulties convincing her to get up that she face convincing me to run, but it was odd encouraging us to do something that I have vehemently opposed.

The roll of encourager/engcouragee shifted yet again after we started running, back into it's more natural position. As we started to run my wife perked up and said how happy she was I got her out of bed and how great it was to be running this morning. I, on the other hand, started to think "dear god why I am doing this to my poor body? What the hell was I thinking? I had an out! I could have said, "okay honey, lets stay in bed and get some much needed rest." But the truth is I could not have said that. She was relying on me to encourage her; carry my weight. It would have been a colossal disappointment to her if we did not run this morning. Not just a disappointment in me for not waking her up, but a disappointment in us not following through on what we said we were going to do. Plus, if we didn't run this morning than she probably would have forced us to run this afternoon and I wanted to get it over with.

Waking up was an odd experience. I was tired. I have been tired for awhile now because the recent spike in my course work in law school. In fact, I distinctly asked my wife to hold off on the running thing for the next few weeks so I can get through this increase in course load. The fact that I am writing this lets you know what her answer was. But I am glad she didn't listen to me, I am sure I would have had another excuse the next time she brought it up. But this morning was an odd experience in my state of energy. Getting out of bed, heading downstairs, putting on shoes: I felt like hell the whole time and my body was begging for more sleep. The moment I stepped outside, however, I was awake. It was like my body was having the equivalent of a little kids fake temper tantrum: the moment it realized it wasn't going to get what it wanted and this wasn't working, its stopped complaining.

As for my shoes: They are alright. There shoes. I have been wearing shoes my whole life. These have a lot more cushion on the bottom and truth be told, not a fan of that. I feel like I am running on sponges. I know a lot of barefooters and nearly barefooters talk about how they like the feel of the ground and the importance of you foot knowing what to do when it hits the ground, but I don't know dick about that so don't think this is why I am complaining about the cushion. I normally wear a chuck taylor style of footwear, which has plenty thick soles that prevent and real feeling to get through. But this morning it felt like somebody stuck rubber pillows in the bottoms of my shoes. Plus some of the padding was rubbing the inside of my left foot wrong, but that is probably because of these shoes being so cheap. Over all no real body pain to speak off. Knees didn't/don't hurt, neither do my feet or ankles. Tired: yes, sore: yes. But that is par for the course of exercise. Still felt uncomfortable though.

Over all verdict:
Running: hate it
mornings: nice when they aren't cold
Wife: still love her

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